Funeral Videography

Funeral Videography Essex & London

Families Request Funeral Videography for many reasons from celebrating the Life of a Loved One to Providing a Recording of the day for Relatives and Friends who are unable too attend.

Our Funeral Videographer Offers a Discreet and Respectful Funeral Video Service with Packages to Suit that are as Unobtrusive & affordable as Possible

We can also provide a video online with a private link within 48 hours so family & friends can view the Service for months to come.

Package 1

£ 250

One Funeral Videographer Camera Package

Services in separate locations add £49

Package 2

£ 299

2 Camera Package

1 Funeral Videographer filming with 2 cameras so more coverage is provided.

Services in separate locations add £49

Funeral Videographer Contact

£ 599

2 Funeral Videographers

providing maximum coverage.

Services in separate locations add £49

All Funeral Videography Packages include:

Filming of Guest Arrival & Full Service

A High Def USB

Contact Us

We film all special events including:

Weddings, Funerals, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Retirement Parties, Sporting Events, Interviews & YouTube filming

Mobile: 07900 696226


Funeral Videography covering all areas including: London, Essex Kent, Herts & Bucks.